Integer programming (IP) is a powerful tool of solving problems, especially when tackling with combinatorics ones. As far as I know, all problems with finite search spaces can be translated into IP models. Even in the worst case, we can cut off each candidate once at a time until we find a feasible solution or prove the infeasibility of the problem. Besides the various uses in different scenario, IP models can be efficiently solved by Gurobi Optimizer - the fastest solver.

This page mainly contains my articles related to mixed-integer linear programming (MILP), a specific branch of IP. Hope that my adventure in integer programming would inspire you.

Eight queens puzzle

Magic squares

List of (solvable) puzzle in

Modelling problems using IP

Random thoughts

As Bland’s rules stated:

If the minimum ratio is shared by several rows, choose the row with the lowest-numbered column (variable) basic in it.

In the past, I applied the rules by choosing the row of constraint with the lowest-numbered index. It turns out to be wrong.

Tips and tricks in Gurobi

from gurobipy import GRB
import gurobipy as gp
import numpy as np

# (1) disable all output messages in Gurobi
customEnv = gp.Env(empty=True)
customEnv.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
model = gp.Model('modelName', env=customEnv)

vars = model.addMVar(shape=(3, 4), vtype=GRB.BINARY)
# a b c d
# e f g h
# i j k l

# (2) sum by axis: axis=1 means horizontal summation
# (3) add vector-based constraints
model.addConstr(vars.sum(axis=1) == np.array([1, 3, 3])) # a+b+c+d=1, e+f+g+h=3, i+j+k+l=3

# (4) extract variables by custom indices
arrA = np.array([
    [0, 2],
    [1, 0],
    [2, 2],
model.addConstr(vars[arrA[:,0], arrA[:,1]].sum() == 2) # c+e+k=2
model.addConstr(vars[arrA[:,0], arrA[:,1]] == np.array([1, 0, 1])) # c=1, e=0, k=1
