Integer programming (IP) is a powerful tool of solving problems, especially when tackling with combinatorics ones. As far as I know, all problems with finite search spaces can be translated into IP models. Even in the worst case, we can cut off each candidate once at a time until we find a feasible solution or prove the infeasibility of the problem. Besides the various uses in different scenario, IP models can be efficiently solved by Gurobi Optimizer - the fastest solver.
This page mainly contains my articles related to mixed-integer linear programming (MILP), a specific branch of IP. Hope that my adventure in integer programming would inspire you.
List of (solvable) puzzle in krazydad.com
Random thoughts
As Bland’s rules stated:
If the minimum ratio is shared by several rows, choose the row with the lowest-numbered column (variable) basic in it.
In the past, I applied the rules by choosing the row of constraint with the lowest-numbered index. It turns out to be wrong.
Tips and tricks in Gurobi
from gurobipy import GRB
import gurobipy as gp
import numpy as np
# (1) disable all output messages in Gurobi
customEnv = gp.Env(empty=True)
customEnv.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
model = gp.Model('modelName', env=customEnv)
vars = model.addMVar(shape=(3, 4), vtype=GRB.BINARY)
# a b c d
# e f g h
# i j k l
# (2) sum by axis: axis=1 means horizontal summation
# (3) add vector-based constraints
model.addConstr(vars.sum(axis=1) == np.array([1, 3, 3])) # a+b+c+d=1, e+f+g+h=3, i+j+k+l=3
# (4) extract variables by custom indices
arrA = np.array([
[0, 2],
[1, 0],
[2, 2],
model.addConstr(vars[arrA[:,0], arrA[:,1]].sum() == 2) # c+e+k=2
model.addConstr(vars[arrA[:,0], arrA[:,1]] == np.array([1, 0, 1])) # c=1, e=0, k=1